Our Services

Long Beach Community Action Partnership’s programs provide supportive services, community outreach, and grant-writing support, as well as referrals to other community agencies with programs that complement our own. 
Free Income Tax Preparation
Every January-October, LBCAP operates a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance  (VITA) site, where volunteers prepare your income taxes for free. 

Energy Assistance
We can help you with two separate energy assistance programs. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides financial and home improvement assistance to offset energy costs. The SCE Energy Savings Assistance Program  (ESAP) can give you a significant discount on your SCE bills.

Youth Programs
We operate after-school programs at Alvarado Elementary, Bixby Elementary and Marshall Middle School in Long Beach.

We also offer the unique Leadership Academy Mentoring Program, which helps Long Beach youth aged 16–24 develop self-confidence, overcome personal barriers, and shift from a poverty mentality to one of hope and aspiration. The program focuses on artistic expression and creative careers.

We’re proud to sponsor Long Beach’s own public-access television station, the Public Access Digital Network. PADNET offers media training, professional video equipment, a high-definition studio and low-cost video production services. 

LBCAP also works with a variety of community agencies to meet the needs of Long Beach and Eastern L.A. County residents, including educational institutions, public and nonprofit organizations, and local businesses.