Home Energy Assistance Program

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides financial assistance to offset the costs of heating and/or cooling your home or rental properties, as well as the costs of “weatherization,” or minor repairs to make your home or property safer and more energy efficient.

To qualify, you must be a resident or property owner in an eligible city, and have total household monthly gross income within the HEAP income guidelines

Created in 2010, LBCAP's HEAP program is called the Eastern Los Angeles Energy Assistance Team (ELEAT).


2017 Outcomes:

•    11,359 households with energy assistance
•    692 homes made safer and more efficient
•    5,987 utility shutoffs prevented
•    7,574 seniors and 5,887 disabled people assisted
•    $8.5 million invested in the community

Utility assistance

This program provides financial assistance with residential utility bill payment, and emergency assistance with residential energy-related crises, such as shut-off notices. If you qualify, you can receive assistance with either your gas or electric bill, in the form of one payment each year. 


The Weatherization Program provides minor home repairs to make your home safer and more energy efficient. If you qualify, LBCAP sends its team of professionals to perform the work. We base the improvements on individual unit assessments. They may include:
•    Doors
•    Windows
•    Weather stripping
•    Caulking    
•    Low-flow shower heads
•    Attic insulation
•    Other improvements

How to apply

1.    Call 1-888-351-4061 to make an appointment to attend an Energy Savings Presentation and application session. Please note that we receive a high volume of calls (400-500 per hour), so it may take up to an hour to get through. Call in the morning for best results. See the FAQs  for more info. 

2.    Complete an application ( English version / Instructions  |  Spanish version / Instructions ). If you have questions, we can assist you on the day of your appointment. 

3.    Gather the following documents and bring them to your appointment: 
  •    A current electric bill (Bring the original, not a copy.) *
  •    A current gas bill (Bring the original, not a copy.) *
  •    Copies of all household income for the past 30 days for all adults 18 years or older
  •    Signed affidavits for all household members age 18 or older who do not have any source of income ( English version | Spanish version )
  •    A copy of your valid California driver’s license or other valid California picture ID
  •    Applicant’s Social Security number

4.   Attend your scheduled Energy Savings Presentation and application appointment. (In total, this appointment may take up to two hours. Please arrive on time, or we may ask you to return another time.)

If you do not have all of your documents at the time of your appointment, we cannot process your application.

* You must provide both electric and gas bills.